Some good conditions this week brought us a flurry of early migrants and added several species to the year list.
Wednesday morning was great for raptor watching, which included two Peregrines over town. Today I found out that John Beak had seen our first Little Ringed Plover of the year earlier in the morning. In the afternoon Ian found a Rock Pipit too, but it didn't hang around long.
I had our first 2 Sand Martins and single House Martin of the year on Friday afternoon, lingering briefly before carrying on north.
Sunday morning we had a singing Blackcap (possibly 2), a flyover Curlew, and singles of both Sand and House Martin through. There was also the Cetti's Warbler and several Chiffchaffs. In the afternoon, JFT had our first 4 Swallows of the year and another Little Ringed Plover.
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