have been no new species has been one new species recorded over the Easter weekend but we are at least getting more birds in and finally some good numbers of hirundines. Yesterday afternoon Tony Crisp saw c12 swallows, c3 House Martins, a Common Sandpiper, a Little Ringed Plover and our first White Wagtail of the year.
This morning I saw a flock of hirundines gather up early morning which included over 20 Swallows, several Sand Martins and at least three House Martins. There were two Common Sandpipers, three Little Ringed Plovers and what I assume was the same White Wagtail. Clive saw one (possibly two) Yellow Wagtails just as I left but they were gone again by the time I walked back. In the Upper Cherwell Valley there were at least two Lesser Whitethroats and six Sedge Warblers and across the whole site there were at least five Willow Warblers.
Late update:
Colin was out this afternoon and had a very good afternoon. Top of the list is the first Common Whitethroat record of the year, singing from scrub along the railway embankment west of the canal. At the reservoir there were more hirundines with 80-90 Swallows and 20 House Martins and a third Long-tailed Tit nest under construction near the sailing club. A Great Spotted Woodpecker nest was confimed. The Mallard that was nesting near the reservoir entrance has left and hopefully the chicks fledged successfully. Another brood of five have fledged at the Borrow Pit.
All photos courtesy and copyright of Colin Wilkinson |