Juvenile Grey Wagtail. Courtesy and copyright of Dave Fuller |
Courtesy and copyright of Dave Fuller |
Courtesy and copyright of Dave Fuller |
On the 22
nd Mike had the Cetti’s Warbler again in the morning and it now seems settled in on territory. Also recorded on the 23rd, 24th and 25th.
Blue Tit nesting along the railway embankment |
On Saturday 23rd I was out a bit later with the main aim of recording damselflies. Having bumped into Clive when I got there and hearing about what he'd recorded in recent day, I was hopeful. I managed to record Large Red, Red-eyed, Blue-tailed and Azure, as well as Common Blue and both Demoiselles. No White-legged yet, but I'll keep an eye out over the next couple of weeks.
Blue-tailed |
Typical view of a Red-eyed perched on surface vegetation |
Large Red |
Beautiful |
Banded |
Beautiful |
John called in later and had a Common Tern drop in briefly.
Courtesy and copyright of JFT |
Courtesy and copyright of JFT |
Courtesy and copyright of JFT |
Courtesy and copyright of JFT |
On the 28th there was a male Stonechat up near the Borrow Pit pool (Richie Thompson). This is an interesting record as it is a very late migrant or possibly nesting (although there was no sign of it on the 30th).
Over this weekend there were two Coots at the reservoir on Saturday (30th) and two new Reed Warblers in on Sunday (30th). The Reed Warblers were in the bushes at the northern end (checked and double checked!) and in the reeds along the river just north of the woodland. Some other interesting sighting today were a Mole foraging out in the open right by the river, a Water Shrew foraging in the, very nearly dried out, ditch in the woodland near the railway line and a very small Grass Snake swimming in the canal (possibly hatched last year as I think it's still a bit early for this year?).