Friday 25th: an impressive day of passage birds...
John recorded six
Black Terns today, four early morning and another two more at lunch time.
As well as them there was also two
Ringed Plover, two Common Terns, hundreds of Swift, Common Sandpiper (and two flying through), Little Ringed Plover. Mark recorded two flocks of waders flying through, a group of four and a group of c.20, but unfortunately unable to positively identify. However, this number of waders recorded is a great record for here.
All photos courtesy and copyright of JFT |
Saturday 26th:
I found a
Spotted Flycatcher in the willows along the river near the sailing club. It was elusive but was very vocal for some time. Also, there was a Little Grebe and a Coot.
Sunday 27th:
Kirsty recorded a single Little Ringed Plover.
Monday 28th:
The Spotted Flycatcher was still present, but I only saw it once for a very short amount of time perched at the very top of one of the willows. Otherwise, two Hobbies, a Little Ringed Plover and a Yellow Wagtail over were nice sightings.
In the late afternoon Philip Walker recorded a
Sanderling and a plover species, which I am inclined to say was most likely Little Ringed Plover, but could have been another Ringed. He also recorded a Beautiful Demoiselle in the wood along the river.
Tuesday 29th:
John recorded Little Ringed Plover and a Mallard with twelve ducklings.
Wednesday 30th:
Sanderling (yes, another one!) was found by John this evening. There was also a Reed Warbler earlier in the day, singing in the scrub near the entrance gate.
Friday 1st:
A singing male
Pied Flycatcher (!) was found by John in the morning. It stayed until late morning allowing several locals to see it but it apparently moved on or just stopped singing and was not seen for the rest of the day.
Sunday 3rd:
A quiet weekend re
ally, but Andrew Dayer recorded a Peregrine over the M40 and Upper Cherwell Valley. It circled over and drifted of south.