Sorry for the lack of posts. We've actually had six new species new to the year list since my last post, which is pretty good really considering the time of the year. I had forgotten to add Great Spotted Woodpecker and they have been really active recently, drumming and calling regularly.
I heard my first singing Chiffchaff on the 9th and Reed Buntings have been singing from the scrub along the river and the hedge in the cattle field too. We also had a couple of Great Black-back Gulls over one morning that week, but I forget which day!
On the evening of the 12th John had our first Little Ringed Plover of the year. We think this is the first one of the year recorded in Oxfordshire.
Sunday morning (17th) John and I had our first five Sand Martins of the year over the reservoir. They were fairly mobile but kept coming back to the reservoir.
This morning there was at least three Chiffchaff singing and John had our first Skylark of the year over.
Both photos courtesy and copyright of JFT |