Courtesy and copyright of JFT |
Birding and wildlife blog for Grimsbury Reservoir, Grimsbury Woodland Nature Reserve and the Upper Cherwell Valley, north Oxfordshire.
Sunday, 31 October 2021
31st Oct 2021
Sunday, 24 October 2021
24th Oct 2021
Adrian Tysoe and I were out this morning and whilst it was less exciting than yesterday there was a few bits of interest moving. We had two Redpoll over and at least one Brambling in a flock of five Chaffinch/Bramblings. So after not having one recorded on site for three years, that is three in the last eight days!
There were several flocks of 20 to 50 Starlings flying west to south-west and some Redwings. Later in the morning several Redwings had dropped into the wood.
Saturday, 23 October 2021
23rd Oct 2021: Hawfinch and CATTLE EGRET
John and I were both out early today and what started off as a fairly standard morning turned into to something special. I arrived just as it was getting light and c.20 Tufted Ducks that had roosted on the reservoir flew off north (probably to the Borrow Pit pool), there was also three Wigeon with the Mallards before they departed and an adult Yellow-legged Gull.
We spotted a 1st winter Black-headed Gull that had a white darvic ring with the code EMK1. It appears to have been ringed in the Netherlands and I have sent off details to the ringer.
Photos courtesy and copyright of JFT |
As we were stood chatting a Hawfinch flew from over the wood, called pretty much right over our heads and carried on south. It was low and we thought it may have landed in the large willows by the river but we couldn't see it anywhere. As we were scanning the tree tops looking for it a Brambling and at least one Redpoll also flew over. There was very little else moving with only two Redwings and several Skylarks really, so it was definitely quality over quantity.
As we were stood chatting again, two egrets flew over north - which turned out to be a Little Egret and a Cattle Egret! This was a much anticipated first record for the site and luckily John managed to rattle off a few record shots before we lost sight of it.
Saturday, 16 October 2021
16th Oct 2021: Rock Pipit and Brambling
John had a very nice morning with a Rock Pipit along the north-western shore of the reservoir and three Wigeon on the reservoir. Best of all though, he had a Brambling fly over which is a rather scarce bird for here with the last one in Autumn 2018 and the previous one being approximately 10 years before that.
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Courtesy and copyright of JFT |
Sunday, 10 October 2021
10th Oct 2021
Friday, 8 October 2021
8th Oct 2021
Wednesday morning John and I were out. A (the regular?) Wigeon as on the reservoir early and there was a few Siskins around with birds heard along the river and in the woodland. There was also a little bit of movement overhead with several Skylarks and Meadow Pipits.
Yesterday morning John was out early and had the Wigeon and a Teal. I was a little later and had a good number of Meadow Pipits over with numerous 1s and 2s and several groups of 5 to 15 birds. Five Swallows also went through and there were two Siskins in the Goldfinch flock along the river.
Sunday, 3 October 2021
3rd Oct 2021
A very quiet week! The 'highlights' being a Wigeon amongst the Mallard on Wednesday morning and this morning, a few hirundines (mainly House Martin) passing through on a few days and this morning a Skylark and a fairly good passage of Meadow Pipits.