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Courtesy and copyright of Wally Warburton |
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Swan and cygnets courtesy and copyright of Val Nuttall |
Photos courtesy and copyright of JFT |
Birding and wildlife blog for Grimsbury Reservoir, Grimsbury Woodland Nature Reserve and the Upper Cherwell Valley, north Oxfordshire.
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Courtesy and copyright of Wally Warburton |
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Swan and cygnets courtesy and copyright of Val Nuttall |
Photos courtesy and copyright of JFT |
It had been a pretty quiet week really without much news, until I bumped into John the dog walker today! He told me he and another dog walker had a Cuckoo calling from the wood early Monday morning. Both Mike Pollard and John were also out Monday morning so it must have moved on or gone quiet by then.
Otherwise there hasn't been much of note, a Yellow Wagtail flew over today and there was minimum of 3 Hairy Hawkers.
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Photos courtesy and copyright of JFT |
Monday late morning I had a walk around and got our first Reed Warbler of the year, singing from scrub along the river bank. I also had a couple of sightings of a Peregrine flying nearby and then over the reservoir.
On the 11th John had a Dunlin, Little Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper and c.40 Swifts - our first good numbers of Swifts this year.
Yesterday I headed up later to look for 'other' wildlife and was rewarded with the spectacle of numerous Demoiselles that have now emerged. There were 15+ male Beautiful and 4+ male Banded with many females. When I was watching them I spotted a hawker hunting over the river and a hawker in May can only really be Hairy Dragonfly! There were actually at least two and these are the first record for here and as it turns out the first confirmed recent record in the Banbury area. The last confirmed records being from Anthony Brownett in 1959 from Wroxton Abbey (where Steve Holliday actually recorded one today after seeing the Grimsbury ones). I also saw 4+ Large Red Damselflies, a probable Azure Damselfly and a Grass Snake.
Firstly, some late news of an Oystercatcher from last week (w/c 25th) that I heard about through Adrian B and I later found out was seen by dog walker John.
On Wednesday the conditions looked great but the only birds of note were 3 Common Sandpipers and Garden Warbler seen by Mike Pollard and a Yellow Wagtail seen by Ian Rowe.
There were 4 Common Sandpipers and 2 Yellow Wagtails on the 6th but only 2 Common Sandpipers on the 7th when there was also a Wheatear in the cattle field.
Today was the B.O.S long day count and we were graced by a pair of Shelducks (the first ones we've had for a few years), a flyover Little Egret, a Little Ringed Plover and 3 Common Sandpipers. There was also at least 3 Garden Warblers around. Frustratingly, John and Mike also briefly saw what was either a Whimbrel or Curlew fly over the reservoir and up the valley. Not well enough for them to be sure of the ID (John's fairly sure it was Whimbrel) and not seen by Clive and I up the valley doing the count!
Photos courtesy and copyright of JFT (earlier in the week) |
John was back out for more again this morning and found a Grasshopper Warbler reeling to the east of the river near the northern end of the reservoir. After I'd joined him and heard it we saw a Wheatear in the cattle field and a male Whinchat (so different to yesterday's bird) fly from the ditch up to the western side of the reservoir. There was also 3 Common Sandpipers, 4 Yellow Wagtails and at some point a Little Ringed Plover dropped in.
Clare Curnow later confirmed that there were 2 Wheatears. Another great morning.
An incredible day for the patch today! The star of the show was a Bar-tailed Godwit that John saw fly in at c.6:45 and stayed until c.8:20. That would have been good enough really, but by that time John had already seen a Dunlin, 4 Common Sandpipers, a Common Tern go through, a Mistle Thrush and a Little Grebe and Adrian T had found a female Whinchat!
There was obviously an increase in warblers too, with c.10 Sedge Warblers noted and a few more Lesser Whitethroat. Several extra observers obviously helped with the day's sightings, with Steve and Mark seeing Swift over and finding a Wheatear in the cattle field and Sandra and Adrian B finding a female Redstart. The chats were elusive, but they were all seen again at least once more later on through the morning.
The Dunlin stayed till the evening (despite a lot of human activity through the day), with at least 2 of the Common Sandpipers and 2 Yellow Wagtails.
Some late news from Friday 29th of a male Brambling that stopped in briefly on the western perimeter fence and dropped down to drink before flying off again, reported by one of the dog walkers (John).
Photos courtesy and copyright of JFT |
Thursday morning John had 3 Yellow Wagtails and found our first Swift of the year and a female Brambling foraging with Chaffinches along the river. The Brambling was still around in the evening and was great to see as they are usually only a fly-over species here.
Photos courtesy and copy right of JFT |
On Friday evening I found our first Wheatear of the year (species 100 for the patch year list) and had Common Sandpiper and 3 Yellow Wagtails.
Saturday I headed out late morning with Steve H, mainly to try and find Large Red Damselfly (but we didn't find any). We had a Garden Warbler along the river but not much else bird wise. Plenty of butterflies though with Orange Tips, Small Tortoiseshells, Green-viened Whites, Brimstones, Peacocks and Speckled Woods all seen.
Today there was Common Sandpiper early on and 2 Greylag Geese flew over. Hirundine numbers built up through the day and 3 Yellow Wagtails dropped in by lunchtime. In the evening there were 3 Swifts with the mixed flock of c.70 hirundines.