On Monday morning Ian had 3 Common Sandpipers and 2 Little Ringed Plovers. Wednesday morning Ian also had our first Garden Warbler of the year.
Thursday in the rain there were 2 Garden Warblers, a Wheatear in the cattle field and another (fairly late) Redstart.
John was out early Friday and had 2 separate Arctic Terns go through and another Common/Arctic not identified and Ian had 2 Shelducks over a little later.
Today Clive and I did the B.O.S. Long Day Count with the Grimsbury patch being the core of our day. We added Reed Warbler new for the year, which was the first time I've ever recorded 10 warbler species on the same day on patch. The Grey Partridge was in the cattle field again and a Little Egret flying through in the evening was also new for the year, were the highlights.
Photos courtesy and copyright of JFT |