
This is no Farmoor, Otmoor or Port Meadow. This is Grimsbury. It's Grim up north!

There is a running total year list in the link above.

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Monday, 27 July 2015

27th Jul 2015: Redstart

Today turned into a completely unexpected day of bird news from Banbury and Grimsbury. At around 10:35 this morning Mark Ribbons had a probable Black Kite over his house in Hanwell Fields. I say probable only because Mark was not 100% sure as he'd never seen a Black Kite before, but his description of the bird he saw leaves little else to the imagination. I mention it here as he said it flew over towards the reservoir and more than likely went over the patch....

This evening I had a missed call from John and was a little nervous listening to his message expecting a gripping tale about him having seen the kite. It wasn't that bad but it was news that Colin Wilkinson had found a juvenile Redstart along the fence between the water treatment works and the cattle field. John managed to relocate it and even managed a picture in the poor light. John also later saw the Ring-necked Parakeet fly from the wood and go south along the river towards town. There was also two Common Terns again.

Courtesy and copyright of John Friendship-Taylor
I headed up later in the evening in search of the Redstart. Unfortunately I didn't see it but instead found a Dunlin. So this bird had obviously flown in since John had left. There is also now six Great Crested Grebes and several Lesser Black-backed Gulls flew through before heading off to roost.

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