
This is no Farmoor, Otmoor or Port Meadow. This is Grimsbury. It's Grim up north!

There is a running total year list in the link above.

Please send in your bird sightings to the B.O.S. and/or to me directly for inclusion on the blog. If you have some photos you would like to contribute please let me know (contact via the comments box on the right if you do not have my email already). Thank you.

Sunday, 31 December 2017

31st Dec 2017: Last Knockings

It's the end of the year and, unfortunately, there hasn't been any big late surprises this year. The last couple of weeks has been fairly standard really. The odd Yellow-legged Gull sighting, a Willow Tit in the wood on and off and a Chiffchaff in the wood a couple of times were the more normal highlights. The Coot has stayed around to the end of the year too, which is really unusually long stay for a bird here.

John saw two Wigeon on the 14th and I had a Lapwing fly over on the 24th. Mike, Colin and Steve did the roost on the 27th and had a 1CY Great Black-backed Gull. Peregrine has been seen in town a few times recently, so could possibly be seen from the reservoir, and Red Kites continue to be a regular sighting over town and the reservoir.

I will be doing a full year round up some time soon, but for now here are John's photo highlights of the year.
Courtesy and copyright of JFT

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