
This is no Farmoor, Otmoor or Port Meadow. This is Grimsbury. It's Grim up north!

There is a running total year list in the link above.

Please send in your bird sightings to the B.O.S. and/or to me directly for inclusion on the blog. If you have some photos you would like to contribute please let me know (contact via the comments box on the right if you do not have my email already). Thank you.

Sunday 6 October 2024

6th Oct 2024: Mandarin Duck

A new edition to the year list today was a fem/imm Mandarin Duck that left before I could get a better look at it. This was as well as 2 Egyptian Geese and a Snow Goose seen yesterday. All wild of course...

There were some autumn migrants with a Redwing on Thursday and 6 Siskin today. A Yellow Wagtail over on Wednesday and a Snipe and 6 Gadwall over on Thursday added a little interest. Otherwise there's still a good number of hirundines passing through, sometimes lingering, several Chiffchaffs and the odd Blackcap.

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