John and I were out the evening to scrutinise the gulls, especially the 2cy Lesser Black-backs! Too be honest the gull roost was a bit meagre and there were far fewer large gulls than there were a few weeks ago. The roost comprised mainly of Black-headed Gulls and the most interesting bird of the night was a single Common Gull. Whilst watching the gulls a fairly decent number of Pied Wagtails flew over to roost and several Meadow Pipits flew over too.
John has provided a couple more shots of the adult Yellow-legged Gull from Monday. It was suggested that this gull might be a Herring Gull of the nominate race
Larus argentatus argentatus and not Yellow-legged Gull. However, John noted features such as the very dark mantle tone, a lack of white in the primary tips and a black band on P5, a square head shape and the head streaking restricted only to the facial mask that doesn't extend down the back of the head. Therefore is confident in saying this is a Yellow-legged Gull.
Courtesy and copyright of John Friendship-Taylor |
Courtesy and copyright of John Friendship-Taylor |
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